Where To Buy Homemade Cloth Face Masks
In Skagit County
Last Updated 05/12/2021
Local Skagitonians are making cloth face masks and it would be wonderful if we could keep the money we spend on them in our community. Check the list below for people making and selling cloth face masks locally.
I encourage you to do your own research on cloth face masks and purchase a mask that meets the specifications of your researched results. Kid Insider is not vetting these masks in any way.
Disclaimer: This list is for informational purposes only. Kid Insider, LLC is not a source of medical advice. There is no guarantee that cloth masks protect anyone against the spread of germs, cloth masks are not medical grade masks. For medical advice consult your doctor.
Also, be very careful with your financial information if paying with a credit card. You should not be giving your credit card number to anyone over the phone or in person that you do not know.
No new listings are being accepted at this time. Thank you.

Some important info about fabrics used for face masks. Good quality quilting cotton with a much tighter weave is best. Yes it’s more expensive, but it has a much nicer weight, softer feel and is now proven to filter more! I use premium cotton fabric from a proper quilt shop. My masks have a pocket for a filter that adds a little bit of structure in the front of the mask. According to the CDC, from what I understand, this “filter" is not necessary, if you are using very good quality cottons, that you can’t see the light through. These masks tie, but elastic to go over your ears is also an option. I am taking donations for my masks, which means you can pay me what you can. Message me on Facebook with what you need. Thank you!

I have a small business in Anacortes (usually focused on knitwear and cotton sunhats). I have a few options of my website for purchasing face masks. I make 4 sizes and they start at $5. My profits have been funding free masks for first responders/essential employees.

Hi!! My name is Brandi Perez. My aunt Laura Hill and I are making masks and giving them out for free. We are going accepting donations to keep us going regarding shipping and fabric costs. Our masks are cotton front (quilting material) and flannel backing for comfort. If people would like to donate, we have a Venmo account set up. It is Brandi-Perez-10. Again, donations are not required but greatly appreciated. Please contact us at (360) 466-3298 and we will put you on the list and call as soon as they are ready. For local individuals, we have porch pickup and we ship out of state as well.

*Reversible with coordinating flannel backing for extra protection
*Flexible nose wire for contoured fit
*Over 50 print options
*Sedro-Woolley pickup
*Free shipping on 5 or more
*Accept cash, PayPal, Venmo, Facebook Pay
*My Facebook page has print options
*People can pm their orders to me

My face masks have a pipe cleaner sewn in over the nose for a more snug fit and they have a pocket for a filter of some sort for extra protection. I’ve been told coffee filters work great. 1/4 in elastic goes around the ears. They are $10.00 each plus shipping which is around $3.50. I have Paypal, Venmo, Facebook Pay, Credit Card. I’m on Facebook under Granny’s Cabin Quality Gifts. Please message me if you have any questions. Thank You!

Many more to choose from! These masks are all 100% cotton, double layered with a pocket on the inside for replaceable filter (paper towel, coffee filter, etc.). They also have a plastic coated nose bridge that allows you to form mask to face for better protection. Machine Washable.
Price: 1 for $15 or 2 for $25. Send me a personal message for details! Here’s to staying healthy!

I have a small design business & have been making mask for the last month. I’m a bit behind, but I’m catching up. Because of the demand I will be continuously making & offering them. I have them listed (if sold out, they are replenished within 12 hours). Here is my link that gives you info: https://kristinloffertheiss.com/ Price: 1 for $15 or 2 for $25. I’m in MV- next to MVHS. Send me a personal message for details! Here’s to staying healthy!

My masks are $7 each. Shipping is available nationwide and starts at just $3. Local porch pickup is available in Birdsview. I am selling them through my website to make sure I’m paying taxes, and that link is nichebynicci.bigcartel.com. I’ve donated over 1100, made 1300, and would love to use sales to keep doing donations! If you want to do porch pickup, please use the code PORCHPICKUP so shipping is not charged.

Hello! My name is Rachel Sheerer, or the Geeky Seamstress on social media. I represent Gear Gaming 365, a local company that makes Gear for geeks and tabletop gamers! We have halted production on just about everything to make face masks. They’re available on our website, and only $5 each. We have lots of prints in stock. geargaming365.com

My masks have a filter pocket and nose wire. Masks are two layers of fabric and all are adult sized. They come with elastic or paracord straps. You can replace the straps when they get worn out. Mask can be tied behind the head or around the ears. The masks are $15 and I accept PayPal. The price includes free domestic shipping! I'm willing to work out a no contact delivery within a reasonable distance if this is preferred. You can contact me through email @

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The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) recommends that cloth face masks need to be routinely washed depending on frequency of use and says a washing machine should suffice in properly cleaning a cloth face mask.
***Listings are added at the discretion of Kid Insider, LLC***
Please realize that prices and products are subject to change and Skagit Kid Insider is only able to make changes to these listings if the mask creators or purchasers let me know.
All material contained in this guide is copyrighted and protected under the Digital Millennium Copyright Act. No part of this guide may be copied or reproduced in any way.