Join us for the 30th Annual Skagit County Master Gardener Foundation Plant Fair
FREE entry and parking Stock up on thousands of plants started and propagated by local Master Gardeners:
- Tomatoes: 40+ Varieties
- Annuals: Flower Starts
- Vegetable and Herb Starts
- Perennial and Native Plants
- Trees, Shrubs, and Ferns Also enjoy:
- Dozens of vendors selling food, plants and, gift items
- Free tool sharpening
- Free demonstrations and learning sessions
- Free “parking” service for your plants Questions about plants and pests?
Get your questions answered at the onsite plant clinic staffed with Master Gardener diagnostic experts. Feel free to bring pictures, or an actual stem, bud, or bugs (in a bag, please!)For more information visit
Skagit County Easter Events and Egg Hunts Guide
Classes for Kids in Skagit County
Skagit County Preschool Guide
As always, please confirm details with event hosts as typos happen and event details change without notice to Skagit Kid Insider ALL...THE...TIME! We always try to include a link to the original information within every event so you can check the details for yourself. Attend all events and activities at your own risk.