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Skagit Symphony Family Concert - Mount Vernon

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Sunday, January 28, 2024, 01:00pm - 06:30pm


Skagit Symphony added a 2nd concert! Don't worry if you missed the 2 PM sold out concert, there is a second concert at 4:30 PM!
It's story time for the whole family! Our new Assistant Conductor, Sebastian Serrano-Ayala, will lead you on a tour through the instruments of the orchestra, followed by a performance of Prokofiev's most beloved of all concert works for children, Peter and the Wolf. 
Our low-cost Family Concert is held on the Sunday afternoon following our School Concert series, and welcomes families and others who prefer a shorter, afternoon concert. Starting at 1pm, the McIntyre Hall lobby is buzzing with our Children's Music Fair, which features “Meet the Musicians”, an opportunity for families to chat with our musicians and see their instruments up close.  Also at the Fair, the Children’s Museum will offer hands-on musical activities and crafts, and Bellingham Wind Works will share a “petting zoo” of stringed instruments for kids to try out!

Tickets are available through McIntyre Hall Box Office: 360-416-7727 -- $15 for adults/$5 for children and students with ID. Or you can order online through the link here, which also has more details about the concert itself: 14

Skagit Symphony Family Concert Website:
Location : McIntyre Hall, 2501 East College Way, Mount Vernon, WA 98273
Contact : (360) 416-7727 Ex. 2 or Toll Free (866) 624-6897 Ex. 2
Hits : 39


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Skagit County, WA including: Mount Vernon, Burlington, Anacortes, Sedro-Woolley, La Conner and Concrete

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